What Students will learn in Gr-5

Grade 5 

General Outcome 1 (Gr. 5)

Students will listen, speak, read, write, view and represent to explore thoughts, ideas, feelings and experiences.

1.1 Discover and Explore

Express ideas and develop understanding

  • use appropriate prior knowledge and experiences to make sense of new ideas and information
  • read, write, represent and talk to explore personal understandings of new ideas and information
  • use own experiences as a basis for exploring and expressing opinions and understanding

Experiment with language and forms

  • select from provided forms of oral, print and other media texts those that best organize ideas and information and develop understanding of topics

Express preferences

  • select and explain preferences for particular forms of oral, print and other media texts

Set goals

  • reflect on areas of personal accomplishment, and set personal goals to improve language learning and use

1.2 Clarify and Extend

Consider the ideas of others

  • seek the viewpoints of others to build on personal responses and understanding

Combine ideas

  • use talk, notes, personal writing and representing to explore relationships among own ideas and experiences, those of others and those encountered in oral, print and other media texts

Extend understanding

  • search for further ideas and information from others and from oral, print and other media texts to extend understanding

General Outcome 2 (Gr. 5)

Students will listen, speak, read, write, view and represent to comprehend and respond personally and critically to oral, print and other media texts.

2.1 Use Strategies and Cues

Use prior knowledge

  • describe ways that personal experiences and prior knowledge contribute to understanding new ideas and information
  • use knowledge of organizational structures, such as tables of contents, indices, topic sentences and headings, to locate information and to construct and confirm meaning

Use comprehension strategies

  • preview sections of print texts, and apply reading rate and strategies appropriate for the purpose, content and format of the texts
  • comprehend new ideas and information by responding personally, taking notes and discussing ideas with others
  • use the meanings of familiar words to predict the meanings of unfamiliar words in context
  • monitor understanding by comparing personal knowledge and experiences with information on the same topic from a variety of sources

Use textual cues

  • use text features, such as maps, diagrams, special fonts and graphics, that highlight important concepts to enhance understanding of ideas and information
  • identify and use the structural elements of texts, such as letters, brochures, glossaries and encyclopedias, to access and comprehend ideas and information

Use phonics and structural analysis

  • identify and know by sight the meaning of high frequency prefixes and suffixes to read unfamiliar, multisyllable words in context
  • integrate knowledge of phonics, sight vocabulary and structural analysis with knowledge of language and context clues to read unfamiliar words in context

Use references

  • find words in dictionaries and glossaries to confirm the spellings or locate the meanings, by using knowledge of phonics and structural analysis, alphabetical order and guide words

2.2 Respond to Texts

Experience various texts

  • experience oral, print and other media texts from a variety of cultural traditions and genres, such as historical fiction, myths, biographies, poetry, news reports and guest speakers
  • express points of view about oral, print and other media texts
  • make connections between fictional texts and historical events
  • describe and discuss new places, times, characters and events encountered in oral, print and other media texts
  • write or represent the meaning of texts in different forms

Construct meaning from texts

  • compare characters and situations portrayed in oral, print and other media texts to those encountered in the classroom and community
  • describe characters’ qualities based on what they say and do and how they are described in oral, print and other media texts
  • describe and discuss the influence of setting on the characters and events
  • support own interpretations of oral, print and other media texts, using evidence from personal experiences and the texts
  • retell or represent stories from the points of view of different characters

Appreciate the artistry of texts

  • explain how simile and hyperbole are used to create mood and mental images
  • alter sentences and word choices to enhance meaning and to create mood and special effects

2.3 Understand Forms, Elements and Techniques

Understand forms and genres

  • identify and discuss similarities and differences among a variety of forms of oral, print and other media texts
  • identify the main characteristics of familiar media and media texts

Understand techniques and elements

  • identify the main problem or conflict in oral, print and other media texts, and explain how it is resolved
  • identify and discuss the main character’s point of view and motivation
  • identify examples of apt word choice and imagery that create particular effects
  • identify sections or elements in print or other media texts, such as shots in films or sections in magazines

Experiment with language

  • experiment with words and sentence patterns to create word pictures; identify how imagery and figurative language, such as simile and exaggeration, convey meaning

2.4 Create Original Text

Generate ideas

  • use texts from listening, reading and viewing experiences as models for producing own oral, print and other media texts

Elaborate on the expression of ideas

  • experiment with modeled forms of oral, print and other media texts to suit particular audiences and purposes

Structure texts

  • use structures encountered in texts to organize and present ideas in own oral, print and other media texts
  • use own experience as a starting point and source of information for fictional oral, print and other media texts

General Outcome 3 (Gr. 5)

Students will listen, speak, read, write, view and represent to manage ideas and information.

3.1 Plan and Focus

Focus attention

  • summarize important ideas in oral, print and other media texts and express opinions about them
  • combine personal knowledge of topics with understanding of audience needs to focus topics for investigation

Determine information needs

  • identify categories of information related to particular topics, and ask questions related to each category

Plan to gather information

  • develop and follow own plan for gathering and recording ideas and information

3.2 Select and Process

Use a variety of sources

  • locate information to answer research questions, using a variety of sources, such as newspapers, encyclopedias, CDROMs, a series by the same writer, scripts, diaries, autobiographies, interviews and oral traditions

Access information

use a variety of tools, such as chapter headings, glossaries and encyclopedia guide words, to access information

  • skim, scan and listen for key words and phrases

Evaluate sources

  • determine the usefulness and relevance of information for research purpose and focus, using pre-established criteria

3.3 Organize, Record and Evaluate

Organize information

  • use clear organizational structures, such as chronological order, and cause and effect, to link ideas and information and to assist audience understanding
  • organize ideas and information to emphasize key points for the audience
  • add, delete or combine ideas to communicate more effectively

Record information

  • record information in own words; cite titles and authors alphabetically, and provide publication dates of sources
  • combine ideas and information from several sources
  • record ideas and information in relevant categories, according to a research plan

Evaluate information

  • connect gathered information to prior knowledge to reach new conclusions

3.4 Share and Review

Share ideas and information

  • communicate ideas and information in a variety of oral, print and other media texts, such as illustrated reports, charts, graphic displays and travelogues
  • select visuals, print and/or other media to inform and engage the audience

Review research process

  • assess personal research skills, using pre-established criteria

General Outcome 4 (Gr. 5)

Students will listen, speak, read, write, view and represent to enhance the clarity and artistry of communication.

4.1 Enhance and Improve

Appraise own and others’ work

  • develop criteria for evaluating the effectiveness of oral, print and other media texts
  • use developed criteria to provide feedback to others and to revise own work

Revise and edit

  • revise to add and organize details that support and clarify intended meaning
  • edit for appropriate use of statements, questions and exclamations

Enhance legibility

  • write legibly, using a style that is consistent in alignment, shape and slant
  • apply word processing skills, and use publishing programs to organize information

Expand knowledge of language

  • extend word choice through knowledge of synonyms, antonyms and homonyms and the use of a thesaurus
  • distinguish different meanings for the same word, depending on the context in which it is used

Enhance artistry

  • experiment with words, phrases, sentences and multimedia effects to enhance meaning and emphasis

4.2 Attend to Conventions

Attend to grammar and usage

  • use words and phrases to modify and clarify ideas in own writing
  • use connecting words to link ideas in sentences and paragraphs
  • identify irregular verbs, and use in own writing
  • identify past, present and future verb tenses, and use in sentences

Attend to spelling

  • use phonic knowledge and skills, visual memory, the meaning and function of words in context, and spelling generalizations to spell with accuracy in own writing
  • study and use the correct spelling of commonly misspelled words in own writing
  • know and consistently apply spelling conventions when editing and proofreading own writing

Attend to capitalization and punctuation

  • use capital letters, appropriately, in titles, headings and subheadings in own writing
  • use quotation marks and separate paragraphs to indicate passages of dialogue in own writing
  • recognize various uses of apostrophes, and use them appropriately in own writing

4.3 Present and Share

Present information

  • organize ideas and information in presentations to maintain a clear focus and engage the audience

Enhance presentation

  • use effective openings and closings that attract and sustain reader or audience interest

Use effective oral and visual communication

  • adjust volume, tone of voice and gestures to engage the audience; arrange presentation space to focus audience attention

Demonstrate attentive listening and viewing

  • identify and interpret the purpose of verbal and nonverbal messages and the perspectives of the presenter
  • show respect for the presenter’s opinions by listening politely and providing thoughtful feedback

General Outcome 5 (Gr. 5)

Students will listen, speak, read, write, view and represent to respect, support and collaborate with others.


5.1 Respect Others and Strengthen Community 

Appreciate diversity

  • discuss personal understanding of the lives of people or characters in various communities, cultural traditions, places and times portrayed in oral, print and other media texts
  • compare own and others’ responses to ideas and experiences related to oral, print and other media texts

Relate texts to culture

  • identify and discuss how qualities, such as courage, ambition and loyalty, are portrayed in oral, print and other media texts from diverse cultures and communities

Celebrate accomplishments and events

  • select and use language appropriate in tone and form to recognize and honour people and events

Use language to show respect

  • determine and use language appropriate to the context of specific situations

5.2 Work within a Group

Cooperate with others

  • accept and take responsibility for fulfilling own role as a group member
  • discuss and decide whether to work individually or collaboratively to achieve specific goals

Work in groups

  • formulate questions to guide research or investigations, with attention to specific audiences and purposes
  • contribute ideas to help solve problems, and listen and respond constructively

Evaluate group process

  • show appreciation for the contributions of others, and offer constructive feedback to group members